Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I have been lazy!

I haven't updated for a while... Whoops!! Nothing much has happened, besides my 20th birthday! My birthday was fun, didn’t really feel like my birthday on Sunday because we celebrated on Saturday. On Saturday, Matt and I went to my house… watched the sunset on the beach, walked around, went back to my house, ate Swedish pancakes for dinner, did pressies (I got a bunch of shirts, and BURBERRY LONDON again :o) I have been wanting it for a while… I also got a certificate to get my nails done!) then we ate ice cream cake! I have realized that year “20” isn't that cool… nothing much to celebrate hahaha

But on my actual bday, we couldn’t go more than 30 min away… so we just relaxed and played it low key… it was pretty nice since it was raining and we couldn’t have done anything anyways! Matt told me he is gunna make it up to me when its nice outside… and I am down with that, but he did take me out to dinner in Burlington! We went to the Olive Garden and it was delicious! Burlington was pushing it for being 30 minutes away but luckily he didn't get called to drive anyone anywhere!

That is my birthday in a nutshell! Other than my birthday, nothing happened lately... so nothing to update about! I will try harder to do this everyday... but I don't want to get in trouble at work!!!
Happy Tuesday :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

well bummer

So, I will start off with the good points of today:
- I had an all staff meeting and won the "Core Value Award" which you win by getting nominations by co workers. I get a plaque pretty soon saying I won :)
- I had delicious coffee this morning and made it to Michaels and back in the time between the meeting and when work started.
- I got a lot accomplished on my lunch, called the doctors to make appointments and such.
- I ate a healthy lunch, I AM trying harder now. It was delish.

Bad points:

- Found out that Matt wont be able to come down to my parents house for my birthday :( makes me pretty sad. He has watch, but that's the Navy for you. The one part I HATE about being a Navy girlfriend haha but I would do anything for him. Gosh. I won't go on and on about the fact that he can't come becuase it's a) pointless and b) not his fault in the least bit so I can't be mad.
But, it just isn't fair haha
after I found this out, my day just kinda sucked. funny how one thing will do that to you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sleepy day!

Whew! I kicked that infection out of my system fast! So I am back at work, bored and tired :D wishing I was other places, such as with my man :P But, when am I now wishing that?!
I have been thinking about getting a small tattoo lately (sorry mom) and I am actually really excited about it! http://images6.cafepress.com/product/357291326v2_480x480_Front.jpg that's a picture of what I want.
The weather in Seattle today was beyond gorgeous! We were blessed with NO SNOW this year :D Matt's from Maine so he isn't very happy about that fact, but I love it!
Oh, and it's almost tax time! I hope I get more than the $13 I did last year.. Bwahaha... that was pathetic if I do say so myself!
But, a new car is on the horizon and that is where all that money will go to. sweetness
short post today, don't feel like typing.
But I do feel like having some chocolate. yum.

Monday, January 18, 2010

eventful weekend

Sorry I didn't update all weekend... been rather busy! Friday night, Matt came down to visit me and we planned on going to PF Changs but the wait was 35-45 minutes... yeah right! So we went to the Macaroni Grill! so bomb, plus we got to write on the tables with crayons since they cover it with paper! We had great laughs and just exchanged stories about our days... pretty much the perfect Friday evening with my man :D
As for Saturday, I had to work 10-3 but it wasn't too bad! I actually had a lot of fun with my co-workers! I ventured to Oak Harbor that evening to go bowling with some close friends (in which I dominate... apparently I rock at bowling hehe) and then Matt and I came home to watch a movie! The Perfect Getaway is pretty good... it has such a weird twist to it!!!
Sunday was a lazy day... really didn't do much, and sometimes those days are just the best! I did however get in a random bad mood (not for any reason) and left to go sit by the beach and read my romance novel :D awesome! I started feeling better and Matt texted me asking me to come back because he missed me. Seriously, he is too cute :D
Monday, we went to the place where he rents his apartment from so he could sign the "intent to vacate" forms... So he did so and they handed him a hefty list of things to clean! Man, that list is long... we knocked a few things out tonight, until dinner. He made stroganoff! yummmmy! He is a good cook! We watched "Gamer" (awesome movie with Girard Butler..... *sigh*) and now he is off to watch from midnight till 8 am! I am stuck here all alone... OH and I forgot to mention the fact that I somehow got an eye infection! gross :( so I have to stay home from work because I don't want I to spread it :( I feel so lame because it's not like I am SICK, but eye infections are contagious, I heard. bummer.
Anyways, I need to head to bed to try to knock this P.O.S. infection out of my body so I can return to work with out goopy eyes. ick.
G'Night all!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Oh man!!! Friday has come at last :) Matt is coming down to visit me tonight, we might go see Avatar 3D!! We might also go out to eat. This post will be rather short because I am just about to drift off to sleep over here... I feel really lazy :P I have to work tomorrow, but no big deal, banks have Monday off :D Lucky us!
I have played around wit Picnik a little bit more today, man it is fun. Especially since it keeps me busy at work :D Matt got me a bunch of tutorials on Photoshop, and I need to finish reading them all! woohoo :) This is something I made with Picnik:)

SOOOOOO glad last night was pay day. I am saving for a new car! It is kind of difficult, seeing as though I really like to shop, but I am putting a new car at the top of my priority list. I am trying NOT to shop, but my boss was telling me about Bare Minerals make up, and I really want it... good thing my birthday is in about a week!!! Crazy :D

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So, dinner last night didn't go as planned :( It was still good, but you know when you build something up in your head and you get really excited about it and then it just doesn't end up as planned? Well, that's how last night was!!! first off, Matt's oven sucks so that didn't help haha the meat was over cooked :( Second, I set the fire alarm off while Matt was on the phone with his Realtor... GREAT I know :D Then his realtor told Matt to not let me burn the house down... woohoo!!! So he was running around trying to figure out where the alarm was and how to turn it off, and he was getting frustrated. So, I got really embarrassed :( But, he was so sweet and insisted that it was delicious and that I am way too hard on myself. Man, I got a good one :)
And as for cuddling up to a movie like I said we might do... either that or him playing MW2... well he ended up playing the game haha which is no biggie at all! Like I said, it was just nice being with him on a Wednesday night, which is out of the norm.
I have been playing around with www.picnik.com lately, and it is rather fun! It is a simple, photo editing site that is free!!! I have made some really cute things that I am proud of (cheesy I know) and I plan to keep on figuring stuff out! I attached a simple thing I made at the bottom... it makes me smile :D Matt got me Photoshop CS3 a little bit ago so I have been using that too. It is a really neat program, and I love it, but it is slightly confusing so I am moving a bit slower with that one:P
So, my birthday is coming up pretty quick :D Finally going to be 20!!! I feel like such a youngster! Just about 1 week left though! I don't know what I want, either, but I was thinking about asking for a laptop case seeing as though I don't have one and when I take it places, I don't want to use a pillow case! Lame, if you ask me. Every year, my mama cooks me whatever I want for my birthday dinner (and she is the BEST cook ever, you have no idea) and this year I requested her wonderfully unique Swedish Pancakes.... and yes, for dinner!!! I am so excited! and a mint chocolate ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery! Just thinking about all of it makes me feel like a fatty!! :D
This week has been amazing, and I think the only reason it has been, is because I have gotten to see my Matthew every day. Maybe not the entire day, like today, but I at least got a kiss and a hug before I left town. Tomorrow he plans to come down here and have dinner and maybe see Avatar 3D... OMG what a great movie. But people have made a funny, but well thought out comparison with that movie and POCAHONTAS. Check out this site!

With that said, I should head back to working... well sitting since we haven't had anything interesting happen here today at my little bank.
Have a good one!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I knew this before... but today it has become extra apparent that there is absolutely nothing to do in Oak Harbor by yourself :( but it's ok! I get to see my Matthew in 2 & 1/2 hours-ish... I hope! I am planning on making him dinner tonight, since I rarely do :P The funny thing is that I really like cooking, but get nervous when cooking for him! Not really sure why? So, we have both decided that I need to get passed that since someday we will be together every night and I will probably be doing most of the cooking! So "what's on the menu tonight" you ask? I was thinking steak... it sounds so bomb right now! I called my mom and asked her what she marinades it in, so that is what I will be doing. Tenderloin with Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and garlic... maybe even some Red Robin seasoning (ahem... that I took from the restaurant last time I was there hehe)Throw some mashed taters and corn in there and it sounds like a delicious dinner to me!!!
I am currently listening to www.Pandora.com! If you haven't heard of it before, you should most definitely check it out! You search for one artist to listen to, and it compiles a bunch of different artists that are like the one you searched. I have never found a song I don't like :D I think that I searched John Mayer (love him) and right now it is playing Jack Johnson! This kind of music helps me write, gets me in the mood.
Matt had to be at work an hour earlier than usual this morning :( So I am going to do my best to give him a relaxing evening. He was up at 430 I think... I was pretty much passed out and wasn't functioning correctly so I didn't think to look at the clock. Anyways, he will come home, I will probably give him a back massage because he has a really bad back :( then I will make him dinner, and maybe cuddle up to a movie later? Or maybe he will play Modern Warfare 2? Doesn't matter to me, as long as we are together! He is moving into his new house soon :) I am so very happy for him! I get to help decorate and set things up, so I am excited! Especially since it will be my home too some day! It is a super nice house... built in 2008 I believe. Brand new carpet, propane fireplace, wonderful master bedroom with its own big bathroom, a large kitchen, and 2 over sized bedrooms. It is great, and it is in a nice neighborhood about 5 minutes from a base entrance! Convenient!
It is so nice having a day off in the middle of the week. I really needed to sleep in, and that is exactly what I did. Rolled out of bed around 1130 :D I wish more people got to sleep in... Americans definitely suffer from sleep deprivation.
Lately, I have been considering going back to school... It is a really hard decision for me, though. I feel like I am at a great place in life right now with a full time job at a bank and a lovely boyfriend! I don't really know how I would make time for school. My friend was telling me I should look into nursing, which I have thought about, but I really don't like blood and I see that being a problem. She told me that she HATES blood and that you get over it... who knows, guess I just need to think about it. It would be wonderful to feel like I am bettering myself though. I actually miss doing home work, and classes and the social aspect of attending school. The only two problems I see are 1) I am saving for a new car right now because it's much needed, and I would have to pay for school myself and 2) I work 10-7 and I don't know how late classes run, otherwise I could take night classes or something. At this point, nothing is set in stone, it's just something that I have been pondering. I hate contacting schools for information, because they are so annoying. They call, the email, they mail.... and they don't stop! haha
But, as for now I am just going to keep what I am doing. Loving my boyfriend, family, friends, and working full time at my community bank :D